Lieutenant-Commander Jaffa "Bundle" Fraser - Pilot
/ Navigator
The Tigerfish's commander is responsible for all operations conducted by his
crew. During flight, he acts as a pilot and navigator, whilst on the ground he
trains the crew and assists in the preparation of supplies.
Most commanders will also assist in the engineering organisation
of the Tigerfish, and help by checking fuel and weapon stocks before most missions.
Weapons Officer
In the heat of combat, it is the weapons officer's job to ensure that the
Tigerfish defends herself well. In the air, he is often found behind the 7.65mm
cannon, although when the operation does not involve action, the weapons officer
will fulfill his other role as co-pilot.
The weapons officer is also in charge of keeping all weapons clean and operational,
especially the 7.65mm cannon, which is open to the wind and rain.
Lieutenant Kurt "Smithers" Greenwich - Co-pilot
/ Primary gunman
Lieutenant Daniel "Oils" McNotten - Supplies
co-ordinater / Engineer
Engineering Officer
The Engineering Officer must ensure that all fuel and bullet supplies are
fully stocked before the Tigerfish leaves for a mission. If the Tigerfish goes
down during operation, it is also the job of the engineer to fix it, and he can
assist in the repair of the other military vehicles if the Royal Engineers are
short of men.
Medical Officer
When men go down in the heat of battle, its the Medical officer's job to keep
them alive in the field. The Tigerfish includes room for two stretchers and full
doctors equipment including life support unit and splints.
A surgeon in the commandos does not have to complete the full
Commando course, as they never enter into armed combat, but they must still complete
a shortened version including basic weapons operation.
Sub-Lieutenant Jason "Plasters" Rafter - Surgeon