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The L-Files

From the depths of the Lego oceans, I bring you great documents of wonder and joy...

NEW! Inside the Head of a Minifig - Delve deep into the mind of a Lego man's brain

How to Take Bad Photos - Tips and tricks on getting the most from your photographs.

Papier Maché Ramp - Build a high quality race track for your Lego cars.

Mass and Higgs Boson - Johnny Thunder and his gang help me to explain about mass, weight and the 'Higgs Field'.

Get Connected - How many ways can you connect up some Lego bricks? Find out here!

Minifig Maths 1 - Learn how Minifgures can count higher than us with just 4 fingers!

Minifig Maths 2 - Now learn how to convert numbers from base 10 to binary.

Making Bricks - Just how does the Lego company create and mould all of their bricks?