In the Spotlight - The Future of G.P.S.?
Are the days of G.P.S. finally about to end? During the recent Banhadel conflicts,
Commandos have had the opportunity to try out the new G.P.S.U., Global Positioning
Satellite Unit.
It uses an advanced form of navigation, combined with tracking and communications
features to create a tool to be feared. Soon to be implemented into active service,
can the tool really live up to its expectations?
The design of the new G.P.S.U. is significantly different to previous models.
For a start, it is a lot bigger, thus creating a problem for transport. Or does
it? The design enables it to collapse into a small and lightweight shape. The
system includes an LCD display for tracking and a fully fitted keyboard.
The technology, however, is where the significant improvements have been made.
The tracking unit enables enemies, cars, tanks and planes to be tracked across
the globe with advanced zoom capabilities.
Communication is offered with a military grade encryption system and all operating
G.P.S.U.'s in an area can synchronize their movements, which will allow greater
co-ordination between troops.
Lieutenant Major Donald Hartritch said, after the Banhadel operation, "The
lads still need to get more practice with the system, but I can see that its uses
will be greatly need by all."