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Falling Bricks

Lego Falling Bricks screenshotAbout
Lego Falling Bricks is a nearly identical game to Tetris, the main difference being that it is played with Lego bricks!

Playing the Game
Once the game has loaded, press any key to start the game. Different shapes of brick will apprear one by one, with the next shape to appear being shown in the box on the top right. *To move the shape about, use the left and right arrows to change its alignment, and the up arrow to rotate the shape around. The down arrow will take the shape straight down. The aim of the game is to tesselate the shapes together at the bottom of the screen. Every time a full row screenshotyou fill up a complete row (like the image on the left) that row will disappear, you will gain 10 points and one row will be deducted from the row score (see below). The more rows that are completed in one go the larger the score gained from it will be. For example, if you complete 3 rows in one go, you gain 100 points.

Scores box screenshotYour scores are maintained in the box on the right. The first box shows the highest score that you have achieved since you started playing. If you close the game and then load it up again, this box will reset, but if you start a new game straight after playing a game, you high score will remain in this box.
Game Score is the score that you have gained in this game only, and lines remaining shows how many complete lines you have to make before you complete that level.

If you stack up the bricks to the top of the screen without completing a row, then the game will end.

Cheats and Tips
[None available]

You must have your computer to be Javascript enabled, and it must be version 4 or above.

And Finally...

Play! -IE
Play! -NN

*Alternative controls are listed on the screen when the game loads.

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