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Brick Return

Brick Return screenshot 1Brick Return screenshot 2About
Brick Return is an almost exact copy of the game 'Snake' which many Mobile Phones have. The main difference is that it is played with Lego bricks (making it much more fun).

Playing the Game
When the game loads, select your difficulty (basically, how fast you want the game to be). In Beginner mode you get 3 points per brick, 5 in Intermediate, 9 in Professional mode and 15 in Super. Once you have selected the level, the playing screen loads. Here, the game begins when you start to move the "snake". Use the four direction arrows for control. If you crash into the edge of the yellow box, the game ends. It also ends if you turn a complete circle and crash into your tail. Ride through a brick to have it added to the "snake" and to collect some more points. Remember that you cannot reverse your direction whilst moving.

Cheats and Tips
• If the snake is very long, zig-zag up and down to avoid crashing into yourself.

You need Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher to use this game. (Find out your version by clicking Help > About Internet Explorer).

And Finally...

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