The two sensor watchers are for the two touch sensors on the vehicle.
When the touch sensor is pressed, the idea is to make the robot turn. The conventional
method is to just slow down one wheel, which will make the robot slowly turn a
corner. However, Scoopbot makes use of tracks which have the ability to make the
robot turn on the spot. To do this, you need to have one track turning one way
and the other turning the other direction. Use the 'set direction' command for
this, to make the tracks go in opposite directions when pressed and then the same
direction when released. You need to reverse the direction of the 'set direction'
feature on the other robot.
Depending on how you have aligned your wires, you may need to
change the directions to make the robot go in the correct direction.
Congratulations - you have finished the project. Now test out
your robot!